Episode 190

Souls YouTubers

This is a member-only episode for our patrons on the 'Duck' tier. Become a Patron to Listen

September 19th, 2021

38 mins 58 secs

Season 11

Your Hosts

About this Episode

This week we have a special episode where we survey some Dark Souls Youtube creators that we've enjoyed recently. Instead of lore, these creators focus on cut content, technical explanations, glitches, and different kinds of speed and challenge runs. Take the time to subscribe and check all of them out, because they're quite informative.

Zulie the Witch - Short dissection videos.
Ray Dhimitri - Dark Souls 2-focused close looks and dissections.
Ymfah - Souls series challenge runs.
BonfireVN - Fun "fight" videos (i.e. Gwyn's four knights vs. Manus).
Phobia - Skips and glitch explanation, focusing on current versions of each game.
Catalystz - Speed run explanations.
Sinclair Lore with Sophie Pillbeam - Fun, chill in-depth Souls topic discussions.
The LoreHunter - Close reads of Elden Ring materials.
IllusoryWall - You know what he does!

Here's the relevant Twitter information: @ZullieTheWitch, @RayDhimitri, @ymfah, #bonfireVN, @PhobiaSoft, @catalystz, @SinclairLore, @TheLoreHunter, @IllusoryWall

EDIT: I called Sophie Pillbeam Sylvie! I'm an idiot! It's Sophie. -GB